God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.
John 4:24
Worship is more than singing songs; it is a posture of the heart that exalts God for who He is. Jesus taught that true worship is done in Spirit and in truth meaning it flows from a genuine relationship with God and aligns with His Word. Worship draws us closer to Him because it shifts our focus from ourselves to His greatness. It invites His presence into our lives breaks chains and brings joy. In worship we acknowledge God's sovereignty faithfulness and love and we open our hearts for Him to move.
How can you cultivate a lifestyle of worship beyond Sunday services? What does it look like for you to worship in Spirit and truth?
Lord, You are worthy of all my worship and praise. Teach me to worship You with my whole heart, in Spirit and truth. Help me continue to fix my eyes on you. Let my life be an offering of worship that honors and glorifies You. Amen.