My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me.
John 10:27
God desires two-way communication with His people. He speaks through His Word through His Spirit and through circumstances. In a world full of noise and distractions listening to God requires intentionality. Jesus described Himself as the Good Shepherd who speaks to His sheep—those who know His voice because they spend time with Him. As we draw closer to God learning to recognize and obey His voice becomes an essential part of the relationship. Often we miss what He's saying because we don't take time to quiet our hearts and listen.
How do you make space in your day to hear God's voice? Are you willing to follow what He says even if it challenges you?
Lord quiet my heart and help me recognize Your voice. Teach me to listen with intention and respond with obedience. Speak to me today through Your Word and Spirit and lead me closer to You. Amen.