How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity!
Psalm 133:1
Unity in the body of Christ is a reflection of God's heart. Jesus prayed for His followers to be one just as He and the Father are one. Unity doesn't mean uniformity; it means celebrated unity. Satan often tries to sow division among God's people because he knows how powerful unity is. When we pursue unity we glorify God and create an environment where The Holy Spirit can move. Unity requires humility grace and a willingness to prioritize the mission of Christ over our own personal preferences.
Are there areas in your relationships where disunity exists? How can you pursue peace and reconciliation?
Lord let my heart be a vessel of unity. Help me to prioritize love and peace in my relationships. Bind us together as one body reflecting Your heart to the world. Let unity reign in my family friendships and church. Amen.